Customer Request


Please complete this form with full details to help us process your request efficiently. Only use this form for non-urgent requests. For any urgent or dangerous issues call 5772 0333.
Note: we take your privacy seriously. We will not disclose your details to any third party without your permission.

Planning - General Enquiry


Describe the enquiry *

Detail the situation as best you can

Property location

Use the search field below to find a specific address, or click once on a street or park location to select that point.
You can use the + button to zoom in, and your mouse to click-and-drag the map around.

enlarge drop pin

    Customer details *


    Contact Details

    Residential address

    Residential address

    Postal address (if different to residential)

    Postal address (if different to residential)

    How would you prefer to be contacted about this matter?

    Other Contacts Add

    Upload Attachments

    Browse for a file to attach to your request
